*Dataset content available to registered users only*
HV 6.6kV Conductor Headroom
Dataset depicting the capacity on the 6.6kV network based on the comparison of the estimated maximum demand on each cable or overhead line segment with the continuous rating that cable or overhead line can support.
The information contained in this dataset is provided for the primary purpose of allowing existing and potential customers to assess the capabilities of the electricity network and opportunities for changes in their use of the network or for connecting to it. While all reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, Electricity North West will accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by the information not being accurate or the information not being available. Actual changes in supply capacity for existing customers or new connections are subject to detailed assessment and approval by Electricity North West, and payment of appropriate charges.
The information contained in this statement is the Copyright of Electricity North West Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Note - Due to the prohibitive feature count of the 11kV Network, it became necessary to split the dataset into 2 separate tables - Overhead and Underground. The smaller feature count of the 6.6kV Network ensured the split between Overhead and Underground would not be required, resulting in a singular dataset for features of that voltage.
The 11kV Underground & Overhead datasets can also be located in the Data section of this portal, or both 11kV tables along with this 6.6kV table can be viewed together in a map
While we use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the data contained within this dataset is accurate, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy or the completeness of the content held, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on this dataset and/or its related information.
If you have any query related to the HV Network Capacity data, please contact us
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